Get your Carrier Account Details

To use the carrier APG with Shippo, you must use your own account and share your account details with Shippo.

Use your own carrier account

Follow this guide to add your APG account to Shippo. After adding your account, Shippo can use your account details for generating shipping rates and creating labels. This step requires you to have your APG account id and password.

This step should only be completed once. When you have created your carrier account, you can use the carrier object_id to reference your carrier.

HTTP Method




Request Payload

Parameter Description
carrier* apg
account_id* A unique identifier for the account which cannot be changed later. Used only for internal purposes. This should be a username provided by APG
parameters* parameters is an array of additional parameters for the account, such as password or token. Check APG parameters for more details
active Set to true to enable account. Set to false to disable account.
test Set to true if you want to set the account in test mode. Using test mode you can generate test labels without incurring a charge
Note: Parameters with an * are mandatory

APG Account Parameters

Parameter Description
account_id* Key to access the API. A string value APG assigns to each client.
password* Key to access the API. A string value APG assigns to each client.
sender_code Code assigned by APG to to each client. Example: “”

Response Code



Request Sample

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: ShippoToken shippo_live_******' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
   "carrier": "apg",
   "object_owner": "",
   "account_id": "EXAMPLE_UNIQUE_ACCOUNT_ID",    
   "parameters": {
       "sender_code": "STI.US.EXAMPLE" 
   "test": false,   //true if it is test account
   "active": true,
   "is_shippo_account": false,
   "metadata": "Metadata_example for APG Account",
   "carrier_name": "APG"

Response Sample

 "carrier": "apg",
           "object_id": "2edac0dddcfc4416b2708cc10b2d11e0",
           "object_owner": "",
           "account_id": "UNIQUE_ACCOUNT_ID_HERE",
           "parameters": {
               "password": "******",
               "account_id": "shippo",
               "sender_code": ""
           "test": false,
           "active": true,
           "is_shippo_account": false,
           "metadata": "APG - Shippo Account - test",
           "carrier_name": "APG",
           "carrier_images": {
               "200": "",
               "75": ""

Once you have retrieved the object_id for your carrier, proceed to Step 2: Create shipment.