API quickstart guide
Follow this guide to make your first Shippo API call. In this guide, you will learn how to create an address using the Shippo API.
Generate your API Token
Follow the Authentication guide to generate your API Token.
When learning about and testing the Shippo API, we recommend using the test token. Using your test token means all the calls you make to the Shippo API are free.
Install the client library for your language
# cURL
# No library needed for cURL
pip install shippo
//Follow the steps in
// https://github.com/goshippo/shippo-php-client
npm install shippo
// Java
npm install shippo
dotnet add package Shippo
//Other libraries
//For a full list of supported libraries, review our client libraries page
// https://docs.goshippo.com/docs/guides_general/clientlibraries/
See our client libraries page for more details.
Make your first API call
To make sure everything is working, make a simple call to create a new address in your Shippo account.
You must replace <API_TOKEN>
with the token you copied from Step 1.
curl https://api.goshippo.com/addresses/ \
-H "Authorization: ShippoToken <API_TOKEN>" \
-d name="Shawn Ippotle" \
-d company="Shippo" \
-d street1="215 Clayton St." \
-d street2="" \
-d city="San Francisco" \
-d state="CA" \
-d zip=94117 \
-d country="US" \
-d phone="+1 555 341 9393" \
-d email="shippotle@shippo.com"\
-d is_residential=True\
-d metadata="Customer ID 123456"
import shippo
from shippo.models import components
shippo_sdk = shippo.Shippo(api_key_header="<API_Token>")
name="Shawn Ippotle",
street1="215 Clayton St.",
city="San Francisco",
country="US", # iso2 country code
phone="+1 555 341 9393",
// Create address object
$fromAddress = Shippo_Address::create( array(
"name" => "Shawn Ippotle",
"company" => "Shippo",
"street1" => "215 Clayton St.",
"city" => "San Francisco",
"state" => "CA",
"zip" => "94117",
"country" => "US",
"phone" => "+1 555 341 9393",
"email" => "shippotle@shippo.com"
// Create address object
const shippo = new Shippo({apiKeyHeader: '<API_TOKEN>'});
const addressFrom = await shippo.addresses.create({
name: "Shawn Ippotle",
company: "Shippo",
street1: "215 Clayton St.",
city: "San Francisco",
state: "CA",
zip: "94117",
country: "US", // iso2 country code
phone: "+1 555 341 9393",
email: "shippotle@shippo.com",
// Java
HashMap<String, Object> addressMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
addressMap.put("name", "Mr. Hippo");
addressMap.put("company", "Shippo");
addressMap.put("street1", "215 Clayton St.");
addressMap.put("city", "San Francisco");
addressMap.put("state", "CA");
addressMap.put("zip", "94117");
addressMap.put("country", "US");
addressMap.put("phone", "+1 555 341 9393");
addressMap.put("email", "support@goshipppo.com");
Address createAddress = Address.create(addressMap);
using Shippo;
using Shippo.Models.Components;
ShippoSDK sdk = new ShippoSDK(apiKeyHeader: "<API_TOKEN>");
Address address = await sdk.Addresses.CreateAsync(
new AddressCreateRequest()
Name = "Shawn Ippotle",
Company = "Shippo",
Street1 = "215 Clayton St.",
City = "San Francisco",
State = "CA",
Zip = "94117",
Country = "US",
Phone = "+1 555 341 9393",
Email = "shippotle@shippo.com",
//Other libraries
//For a full list of supported libraries, review our client libraries page
// https://docs.goshippo.com/docs/guides_general/clientlibraries/
If your request to create a new address was a success, the response should look like the following. If you don't get a response like this, check your code and make sure your API token is correct.
"is_complete": true,
"validation_results": {},
"name":"Shawn Ippotle",
"street_no": "",
"street1":"215 Clayton St.",
"city":"San Francisco",
"longitude": null,
"latitude": null,
"metadata":"Customer ID 123456"
Next steps
You now know how to make API calls using the Shippo API. Your next step is to create your first shipping label.
You can also start exploring our API reference to learn about all the Shippo API features.