200/201 |
OK. Everything worked as expected. |
204 |
OK. Everything worked OK but no values were returned. |
400 |
Bad request. The request you made was not accepted. This can be due to issues including missing a required parameter. |
401 |
Unauthorized. Occurs for issues with authentication such as you didn't provide a token or the token you provided does not exist. |
404 |
Not found. The requested resource doesn’t exist. |
409 |
Conflict. There was a conflict in your request. This could be caused by things like too many concurrent calls or if you tried to create a duplicate address in your address book. |
422 |
Unprocessable entity . Your request contained content that could not be processed by the Shippo API. |
429 |
Rate limit exceeded. You have made too many requests to the Shippo API. See our rates limit guide. |
5xx |
Server error. Something has gone wrong with the Shippo server. |