HTTP response status codes

Code Description
200/201 OK. Everything worked as expected.
204 OK. Everything worked OK but no values were returned.
400 Bad request. The request you made was not accepted. This can be due to issues including missing a required parameter.
401 Unauthorized. Occurs for issues with authentication such as you didn't provide a token or the token you provided does not exist.
404 Not found. The requested resource doesn’t exist.
409 Conflict. There was a conflict in your request. This could be caused by things like too many concurrent calls or if you tried to create a duplicate address in your address book.
422 Unprocessable entity . Your request contained content that could not be processed by the Shippo API.
429 Rate limit exceeded. You have made too many requests to the Shippo API. See our rates limit guide.
5xx Server error. Something has gone wrong with the Shippo server.