
When querying an endpoint to return multiple results back, you can use query string parameters to filter the results that you are getting back. Shippo currently supports a results parameter and some date filtering parameters (only currently supported on the Shipments endpoint).

By default, you will only get 5 results back if you do not specify a results query string parameter.


If you do not specify a results query string parameter, the Shippo API will only return a certain number of results. The default number of results is subject to change and depends on the resource you are calling. Many resources, such as shipments, transactions, and orders return 25 by default. Use a results query string parameter less than 200. A results query string parameter greater than 200 will cause your results to be truncated.


The response will be paginated by the number specified in the results query string parameter. For example, for carrier accounts, by default you would only see 5 per page, with a next field indicating if there is another page of results. A previous field will give any previous pages if you're not currently looking at the first page.




    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "carrier": "parcelforce",
            "object_id": "bef77ddbd2a5455eba8fcd4511eef645",
            "object_owner": "",
            "account_id": "shippo_parcelforce_account",
            "parameters": {"expresslink_password": "******"},
            "test": true,
            "active": true,
            "is_shippo_account": true,
            "carrier": "usps",
            "object_id": "2da62634606540c082f3612afe95ecae",
            "object_owner": "",
            "account_id": "shippo_usps_account",
            "parameters": {"is_commercial": false},
            "test": true,
            "active": true,
            "is_shippo_account": true,
            "metadata": ""
            "carrier": "deutsche_post",
            "object_id": "595d9cb0c0e14497bf07e75ecfec6c6d",
            "object_owner": "",
            "account_id": "shippo_deutsche_post_account",
            "parameters": [],
            "test": true,
            "active": true,
            "is_shippo_account": true,
            "metadata": ""
            "carrier": "uber",
            "object_id": "fd7f11a74c8847778fe41fed06b7fdd4",
            "object_owner": "",
            "account_id": "shippo_uber_account",
            "parameters": [],
            "test": true,
            "active": true,
            "is_shippo_account": true,
            "metadata": ""
            "carrier": "dhl_express",
            "object_id": "3d05ffe6076741228dfea04385050c0d",
            "object_owner": "",
            "account_id": "shippo_dhlexpress_account",
            "parameters": [],
            "test": true,
            "active": true,
            "is_shippo_account": true,
            "metadata": ""
            "carrier": "fedex",
            "object_id": "86a7793d3788422a8169cfae9c87ed26",
            "object_owner": "",
            "account_id": "86753099",
            "parameters": {
                "meter": "112233445",
                "smartpost_id": 5531
            "test": true,
            "active": true,
            "is_shippo_account": false,
            "metadata": ""
            "carrier": "dhl_germany",
            "object_id": "0bff0a09251d478cb919ead06709d96c",
            "object_owner": "",
            "account_id": "2222222222",
            "parameters": {
                "default_participation_code": "01",
                "business_customer_portal_password": "pass",
                "business_customer_portal_username": "2222222222_01",
                "tracking_password": "",
                "tracking_account": ""
            "test": true,
            "active": true,
            "is_shippo_account": false,
            "metadata": ""
            "carrier": "fedex",
            "object_id": "8d6dbc109aaf4bb983d534f1556ddc16",
            "object_owner": "",
            "account_id": "86753098",
            "parameters": {
                "meter": "112233446",
                "smartpost_id": 5531
            "test": true,
            "active": true,
            "is_shippo_account": false,
            "metadata": "Test Account"
            "carrier": "canada_post",
            "object_id": "518402beb1f24e608af7be9d85a0f71b",
            "object_owner": "",
            "account_id": "3f937e0b21ef06f7",
            "parameters": {
                "payment_method": "CreditCard",
                "api_password": "secure_p@$$w0rd",
                "contract_id": null,
                "is_platform_account": true,
                "customer_number": "0086753098"
            "test": true,
            "active": true,
            "is_shippo_account": false,
            "metadata": ""
            "carrier": "ups",
            "object_id": "2716480a9d7b4b31837c0dacd7d481f3",
            "object_owner": "",
            "account_id": "shippotle",
            "parameters": {
                "cost_center": "",
                "password": "secure_p@ssw0rd",
                "account_number": "SH1PP0",
                "usps_endorsement": null,
                "surepost": ""
            "test": true,
            "active": true,
            "is_shippo_account": false,
            "metadata": ""

You can see in the above response the amount of carrier accounts happen to line up with the amount we requested back, but if we requested 7 results, there would only be 7 carriers in the response with a url in the next field.

Date filtering

When querying the Shipments endpoint you can have an additional way to filter results by limiting the date range. We expect a date formatted to the ISO 8601 standard, and you can see some example below of what that looks like. You can retrieve any 90 day range (or smaller) of shipments by using the following query string parameters:

  • object_created_gt  -- object(s) created greater than a provided date time
  • object_created_gte  -- object(s) created greater than or equal to a provided date time
  • object_created_lt  -- object(s) created less than a provided date time
  • object_created_lte  -- object(s) created less than or equal to a provided date time

Date format examples:

  • "2017-01-01"
  • "2017-01-01T03:30:30"  or  "2017-01-01T03:30:30.5"
  • "2017-01-01T03:30:30Z"



    "next": "",
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "address_from": {...},
            "address_return": {...},
            "address_to": {...},
            "carrier_accounts": [],
            "customs_declaration": null,
            "extra": [],
            "messages": [],
            "metadata": "",
            "object_created": "2017-08-03T23:21:20.884Z",
            "object_id": "4a310649f51f4b15aeeabb6457b50d04",
            "object_owner": "",
            "object_updated": "2017-08-03T23:22:28.553Z",
            "parcels": [...],
            "rates": [...],
            "shipment_date": "2017-08-03T23:22:28.553Z",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "test": true
            "address_from": {...},
            "address_return": {...},
            "address_to": {...},
            "carrier_accounts": [],
            "customs_declaration": null,
            "extra": [],
            "messages": [],
            "metadata": "",
            "object_created": "2017-08-05T21:11:46.431Z",
            "object_id": "76055268f88c46e8b337e2058bc61186",
            "object_owner": "",
            "object_updated": "2017-08-05T21:11:46.431Z",
            "parcels": [...],
            "rates": [...],
            "shipment_date": "2017-08-05T21:11:46.431Z",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "test": true

The format of the page query parameter in the next and prev fields is subject to change and specifically may not necessarily be an integer.

The above response includes all shipments created on or after August 1, 2017 up to and including August 31, 2017. If object_created_gt and object_created_lt were used, it would only retrieve shipments between those dates. You can use any combination of object_created_gt/object_created_gte and object_created_lt/object_created_lte to filter how you need. You just need to be sure that the date range is 90 days or less.