Carrier accounts
The Shippo API uses carrier accounts to connect to carriers to use their services, such as purchasing a label. You can use the Shippo API to add, modify, and deactivate which carriers your Shippo account uses. Using the Shippo API, you can connect multiple carrier accounts giving you rates from multiple carriers when you create a shipment.
Shippo supports two types of carrier accounts.
- Shippo carrier account. These are Shippo’s accounts with specific carriers. Using Shippo carrier accounts you can purchase labels immediately, without creating your account with a carrier. The cost to purchase labels is billed through your Shippo account. Using Shippo carrier accounts you can benefit from discounts negotiated by Shippo.
- Your own carrier accounts. These are accounts that you have created yourself with a supported carrier. You can add your carrier account details to your Shippo account, allowing Shippo to manage your label creation. The cost of purchasing labels is billed through the account you created with your carrier.
Connecting Shippo carrier accounts
By default, you have access to Shippo's carrier accounts for U.S. outbound shipments to retrieve shipping rates and purchase labels. When Shippo adds new carrier accounts, they are automatically enabled on your account.
UPS requires Terms and Conditions to be accepted, so you must use the Shippo Web App and navigate to the Carriers Settings page and click "Activate Account" for UPS to view and accept the Terms and Conditions.
Connecting your own carrier account
You can connect your own carrier accounts using the Shippo Web App or through the API.
Follow this guide to learn about connecting your carriers using the Shippo API. Shippo supports all carriers listed below for your own carrier accounts.
To connect your carrier account to your Shippo account, you must create a carrier account object. Each carrier account has different properties that must be shared with Shippo. Refer to the list below to identify which properties are required for your chosen carrier.
Before continuing, you must have created your account with your chosen carrier and obtained the required properties as listed below.
The Carrier Account object can be created (POST), modified or de-activated (PUT), or retrieved (GET). You can also list (GET) all accounts.
To connect your own carrier account and create a carrier account object, follow this example.
-H "Authorization: ShippoToken <API_TOKEN>"\
-d carrier="fedex"\
-d account_id="<YOUR-FEDEX-ACCOUNT-NUMBER>"\
-d parameters='{"first_name": "<YOUR_FIRST_NAME>", "last_name": "YOUR_LAST_NAME", "phone_number": "<YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER>", "from_address_st": "<YOUR_STREET_ADDRESS>", "from_address_city": "<YOUR_CITY>", "from_address_state": "<YOUR_STATE>", "from_address_zip": "<YOUR_ZIP>", "from_address_country_iso2": "<YOUR_COUNTRY>"}'
fedex_account = shippo_sdk.carrier_accounts.create(
"first_name": "<YOUR_FIRST_NAME>",
"last_name": "<YOUR_LAST_NAME>",
"phone_number": "<YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER>",
"from_address_st": "<YOUR_STREET_ADDRESS>",
"from_address_city": "<YOUR_CITY>",
"from_address_state": "<YOUR_STATE>",
"from_address_zip": "<YOUR_ZIP>",
"from_address_country_iso2": "<YOUR_COUNTRY>"
$fedex_account = Shippo_CarrierAccount::create(array(
'carrier' => 'fedex',
'account_id' => '<YOUR-FEDEX-ACCOUNT-NUMBER>',
'parameters' => array('first_name' => '<YOUR_FIRST_NAME>', 'last_name' => 'YOUR_LAST_NAME', 'phone_number' => '<YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER>', 'from_address_st' => '<YOUR_STREET_ADDRESS>', 'from_address_city' => '<YOUR_CITY>', 'from_address_state' => '<YOUR_STATE>', 'from_address_zip' => '<YOUR_ZIP>', 'from_address_country_iso2' => '<YOUR_COUNTRY>'),
'test' => false,
'active' => true
const fedExParameters: FedExConnectExistingOwnAccountParameters = {
firstName: "<YOUR_FIRST_NAME>",
lastName: "<YOUR_LAST_NAME>",
phoneNumber: "<YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER>",
fromAddressSt: "<YOUR_STREET_ADDRESS>",
fromAddressCity: "<YOUR_CITY>",
fromAddressState: "<YOUR_STATE>",
fromAddressZip: "<YOUR_ZIP>",
fromAddressCountryIso2: "<YOUR_COUNTRY>"
const fedExAccount = await shippo.carrierAccounts.create({
carrier: CarriersEnum.Fedex.valueOf(),
parameters: fedExParameters,
test: true,
active: true
HashMap<String, Object> accountMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
accountMap.put("carrier", "fedex");
accountMap.put("account_id", "<YOUR-FEDEX-ACCOUNT-NUMBER>");
accountMap.put("parameters", new HashMap<String, Object>() {
put("first_name", "<YOUR_FIRST_NAME>");
put("last_name", "YOUR_LAST_NAME");
put("phone_number", "<YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER>");
put("from_address_st", "<YOUR_STREET_ADDRESS>");
put("from_address_city", "<YOUR_CITY>");
put("from_address_state", "<YOUR_STATE>");
put("from_address_zip", "<YOUR_ZIP>");
put("from_address_country_iso2", "<YOUR_COUNTRY>");
accountMap.put("test", Boolean.FALSE);
accountMap.put("active", Boolean.TRUE);
CarrierAccount fedex_account = CarrierAccount.create(accountMap);
CarrierAccount fedexAccount = await sdk.CarrierAccounts.CreateAsync(
new ConnectExistingOwnAccountRequest()
Carrier = CarriersEnum.Fedex.Value(),
Parameters = ConnectExistingOwnAccountRequestParameters.CreateFedExConnectExistingOwnAccountParameters(
new FedExConnectExistingOwnAccountParameters()
FirstName = "<YOUR_FIRST_NAME>",
LastName = "<YOUR_LAST_NAME>",
PhoneNumber = "<YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER>",
FromAddressSt = "<YOUR_STREET_ADDRESS>",
FromAddressCity = "<YOUR_CITY>",
FromAddressState = "<YOUR_STATE>",
FromAddressZip = "<YOUR_ZIP>",
FromAddressCountryIso2 = "<YOUR_COUNTRY>",
Active = true,
Test = false,
The API will respond with the JSON serialized carrier account object:
"account_id": "<YOUR-FEDEX-ACCOUNT-NUMBER>",
"active": true,
"carrier": "fedex",
"object_id": "b741b99f95e841639b54272834bc478c",
"object_owner": "",
"parameters": {
"first_name": "<YOUR_FIRST_NAME>",
"last_name": "YOUR_LAST_NAME",
"phone_number": "<YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER>",
"from_address_st": "<YOUR_STREET_ADDRESS>",
"from_address_city": "<YOUR_CITY>",
"from_address_state": "<YOUR_STATE>",
"from_address_zip": "<YOUR_ZIP>",
"from_address_country_iso2": "<YOUR_COUNTRY>"
"test": false,
"active": true,
"is_shippo_account": false,
"metadata": ""
Refer to our carrier capabilities for a full list of supported carriers and their capabilities.
Using carrier accounts in Shipments
You can specify which carrier accounts you want to use on a per-shipment basis by passing in each account's object_id
in the shipment's carrier_accounts
field as a list. If you don't specify which accounts to use, Shippo will use all your active accounts for this shipment.
-H "Authorization: ShippoToken <API_TOKEN>"\
-d address_from="d799c2679e644279b59fe661ac8fa488"\
-d address_to="42236bcf36214f62bcc6d7f12f02a849"\
-d parcels=["7df2ecf8b4224763ab7c71fae7ec8274"]\
-d carrier_accounts=["b741b99f95e841639b54272834bc478c", "b741b99f95e841639b54272834bc478c" ]\
-d async=false
shipment = shippo_sdk.shipments.create(
$shipment = Shippo_Shipment::create(array(
'address_from'=> $fromAddress,
'address_to'=> $toAddress,
'parcels'=> array($parcel),
'carrier_accounts' => array('b741b99f95e841639b54272834bc478c'),
'async' => false
const shipment = await shippo.shipments.create({
addressFrom: addressFrom,
addressTo: addressTo,
parcels: [parcel],
carrierAccounts: ['b741b99f95e841639b54272834bc478c'],
async: false
HashMap<String, Object> shipmentMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
shipmentMap.put("address_to", toAddressMap);
shipmentMap.put("address_from", fromAddressMap);
shipmentMap.put("parcels", parcelMap);
shipmentMap.put("carrier_accounts", new String[]{"b741b99f95e841639b54272834bc478c"});
shipmentMap.put("async", false);
Shipment shipment = Shipment.create(shipmentMap);
Shipment shipment = await sdk.Shipments.CreateAsync(
new ShipmentCreateRequest()
AddressFrom = addressFrom,
AddressTo = addressTo,
Parcels = new List<Shippo.Models.Components.Parcels>() { parcel },
CarrierAccounts = new List<string>() { "b741b99f95e841639b54272834bc478c" },
Async = false,
Filtering carrier accounts
You can filter carrier accounts by carrier
and account_id
-H "Authorization: ShippoToken <API_TOKEN>"\
Shippo_CarrierAccount::all(array('carrier'=> 'fedex'))
shippo.carrierAccounts.list({ carrier: CarriersEnum.Fedex });
await sdk.CarrierAccounts.ListAsync(
new ListCarrierAccountsRequest()
Carrier = CarriersEnum.Fedex,
Account structure by carrier
Each carrier has its own type of fields. Browse the list below to find the required fields for the carriers you want to use.
APC Postal
"carrier": "apc_postal",
"account_id": "12345", // APC Postal Account ID
"parameters": {
"processing_site": "NJ" // APC Postal Processing Site
"carrier": "apg",
"account_id": "12345", // Unique identificator of account
"parameters": {
"account_id": "shippo", // APG Account username
"password": "shippo", // APG Account password
"sender_code": "" // APG Sender Code
"carrier": "asendia_us",
"account_id": "123", // Asendia account number
"parameters": {
"asendia_user_login": "usertesting", // Asendia user login
"asendia_user_password": "1234512345", // Asendia user password
"ftp_username": "testtest",
"ftp_password": "xyz123",
"company_name": "Your Company Name", // Required (displays on manifest)
"permit_no": "234"
Australia Post
Australia Post eParcel
"carrier": "australia_post",
"account_id": "123456", // Australia Post account number
"parameters": {
"api_key": "yourapikey", // Australia Post API key
"password": "testpass" // Australia Post password
Australia Post MyPost
"account_id": "12345",
"carrier": "australia_post",
"parameters": {
"is_mypost": true,
"merchant_token": "yourPartnerToken"
"test": false,
"active": true
"carrier": "better_trucks",
"account_id": "100", // unique identifier of account
"parameters": {
"api_key": "XXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX", // API Key provided by BetterTrucks
"account_id": "100" // Identifier for account
"test": false,
"active": true
Canada Post
"carrier": "canada_post",
"account_id": "shippo_api", // Canada Post API username
"parameters": {
"api_password": "HipposDontLie!", // Canada Post API password
"customer_number": "413781", // Canada Post customer number
"contract_id": "910412", // Canada Post contract number (optional)
"payment_method": "Account" // Payment method for account, 'CreditCard' or 'Account' (optional)
"use_manifests": true // Indicates that shipments will be linked with a manifest (contract customers only; optional)
Deutsche Post
"carrier": "deutsche_post",
"account_id": "", // Deutsche Post username
"parameters": {
"password": "testpass" // Deutsche Post password
DHL eCommerce
"carrier": "dhl_ecommerce",
"account_id": "dhl_ecommerce", // Custom account identifier
"parameters": {
"username": "HipposDontLie!", // DHL eCommerce client ID
"password": "shipshippo", // DHL eCommerce client secret
"pickup_no": "123123", // DHL eCommerce pickup number
"facility_code": "23" // DHL eCommerce facility code
DHL Express
"carrier": "dhl_express",
"account_id": "123456789", // DHL account number
"parameters": {
"password": "", // Password from DHL Express
"site_id": "", // Site ID from DHL Express (from DHL account manager/rep or email)
"payment_country": "US" // ISO2 code of the country associated with the account
"active": true,
"is_shippo_account": false
DHL Germany
"carrier": "dhl_germany",
"account_id": "2222222222", // The first 10 digits of your DHL account number
"parameters": {
"business_customer_portal_username": "dhl_shippo", // DHL username for
"business_customer_portal_password": "HipposDontLie!", // DHL password for
"default_participation_code": "01", // The last 2 digits of your DHL account number
"tracking_account": "978346", // DHL tracking account (optional)
"tracking_password": "HipposAreBack!" // DHL tracking password (optional)
"carrier": "dpd_uk",
"account_id": "abc123", // DPD UK Account Name
"parameters": {
"username": "USERNAME", // DPD UK Username
"password": "PASSWORD" // DPD UK Password
ePost Global
"carrier": "rr_donnelley",
"account_id": "1111",
"parameters": {
"processing_site": "LAX"
"company_name": "Company"
Hermes UK have changed their name to EVRi. To support existing customers already using this carrier, we have continued to use the hermes
name in our API configuration.
"carrier": "hermes_uk",
"account_id": "hermes_account_1",
"parameters": {
"hermes_uk_api_user": "user-name",
"hermes_uk_api_password": "1234qwerty",
"hermes_uk_client_id": 123,
"hermes_uk_client_name": "CompanyName",
"hermes_uk_parcel_shop_api_user": "ABC1234",
"hermes_uk_parcel_shop_api_password": "12345678"
"carrier": "fedex",
"account_id": "321123", //Fedex account number
"parameters": {
"first_name": "Hippo", //Your first name
"last_name": "Hippovich", // Your last name
"phone_number": "1234567890", // Your phone number
"from_address_st": "250 Union St", // Shipping address must match what you have on file with FedEx (see profile)
"from_address_city": "San Francisco",
"from_address_state": "CA",
"from_address_zip": "94133",
"from_address_country_iso2": "US",
"use_multi_factor_registration": true, //Determines use of the multi-factor registration workflow. If true, the account will be registered using the multi-factor registration workflow. If false, the account will be registered using the standard registration workflow.
"verification_option": "SMS", //(optional) Determines the verification option to use for the account registration (Enum: SMS, EMAIL, CALL, INVOICE).
"verification_pin": "12345", //(optional) The PIN to verify the account.
"verification_invoice_number": "9922232", //(optional) The invoice number to verify the account.
"verification_invoice_amount": "340", //(optional) The invoice amount to verify the account.
"verification_invoice_date": "2024-03-09", //(optional) The invoice date to verify the account. In the format `YYYY-MM-DD`.
"verification_invoice_currency": "12345" //(optional) The invoice currency to verify the account.
"active": true,
"test": false
"carrier": "globegistics",
"account_id": "Name of this account", // The name of this account on Shippo
"parameters": {
"account_number": "123456", // Globegistics Account Number
"api_key": "123456789", // Globegistics API Key
"carrier": "gls_us",
"account_id": "1111", // GLS US account number
"parameters": {
"api_token": "your_account_pw", // GLS US account password
"username": "your_account_username", // GLS US account username
"carrier": "lasership",
"account_id": "01isf7yzmpsbfy02172gyu2ek78", // LaserShip API key
"parameters": {
"lasership_apiid": "c27908r07cc20r893270adsc0402", // LaserShip API ID
"critical_pull_time": "16:00"
Mondial Relay
"carrier": "mondialrelay",
"account_id": "9328271", // Mondial Relay merchant ID
"parameters": {
"key": "JBHOS29JH19N7V6SJ89MK10K" // Mondial Relay key
"carrier": "ontrac",
"account_id": "37", // OnTrac account number
"parameters": {
"password": "testpass" // OnTrac provided password
"carrier": "purolator",
"account_id": "shippo_purolator", // Purolator account number
"parameters": {
"production_key": "345345", // Purolator production key
"production_key_password": "abcdef" // Purolator production key password
Royal Mail
"carrier": "royal_mail_sf",
"account_id": "royal_mail_sf_01",
"parameters": {
"client_id": "12345abcde-1234-abcd-1234-12345abcde",
"client_secret": "dklasjdlkhasdasdshadkjshaksadjhgaskjda",
"partner_token": "kdsjaoisdasdasdjbw"
"carrier": "sendle",
"account_id": "sendle_account_1",
"parameters": {
"sendle_id": "1234",
"api_key": "123456789",
"carrier": "swyft",
"object_owner": "",
"account_id": "unique_account_id",
"parameters": {
"api_key": "11111-22222-33333-44444" // Swyft API Key
"test": false,
"active": true,
"is_shippo_account": false,
"metadata": "Account Name",
"carrier_name": "Swyft"
"carrier": "uds",
"account_id": "12345", // UDS Client ID
"parameters": {
"client_key": "grteehj54tjgf", // UDS Client Key
"UDS_TRACK_API_USER_ID": "shippo", // UDS Username for tracking
"UDS_TRACK_API_PASSWORD": "shippo", // UDS Password for tracking
"carrier": "ups",
"active": true,
"metadata": "UPS Account",
"account_id": "myupsuser", // UPS user ID
"parameters": {
"account_number": "AB1234", // UPS account number
"aia_country_iso2": "US",
"billing_address_city": "San Francisco",
"billing_address_country_iso2": "US",
"billing_address_state": "CA",
"billing_address_street1": "731 Market St",
"billing_address_street2": "STE 200",
"billing_address_zip": 94103,
"collec_country_iso2": "US",
"collec_zip": 94103,
"company": "Shippo",
"currency_code": "USD",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Shippo Meister",
"has_invoice": false,
"invoice_controlid": 1234,
"invoice_date": 20210529,
"invoice_number": 1112234,
"invoice_value": 11.23,
"phone": 1112223333,
"title": "Manager",
"ups_agreements": true,
"pickup_address_city": "San Francisco",
"pickup_address_country_iso2": "US",
"pickup_address_same_as_billing_address": false,
"pickup_address_state": "CA",
"pickup_address_street1": "731 Market St",
"pickup_address_street2": "STE 200",
"pickup_address_zip": "94103",
"ups_agreements": true,
"surepost": false, // Add Surepost rating (optional)
"cost_center": "shippo", // Mail Innovations cost center (optional)
"usps_endorsement": "3", // Mail Innovations USPS endorsement (optional)
"customer_id": "1234", // Mail Innovations UPS customer ID (optional)
"customer_guid": "1234-abcde" // Mail Innovations UPS customer GUID (optional)
"test": false
"carrier": “veho”,
"account_id": "Name of this account", // The name of this account on Shippo
"parameters": {
"api_key": "123456789", // Veho API Key
"test": false,
"active": true,